Neural Correlates of Broad bandwidth and Narrow Bandwidth Elevated Sound

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Cumming, Amanda
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Middle Tennessee State University
The present study aimed to investigate the N1 response for both narrow band and broadband sound in order to better understand auditory spatial localization, as well as the role of the "where" stream for localizing elevated sound. Electroencephalographic recordings were obtained from subjects as they listened to broadband or narrowband sounds, with center frequencies of either 4 kHz or 10 kHz, presented from five vertical loud speakers, 40, 20 and 0. The data did not reveal any clusters that identified differences in neuronal processing across time for sound type. The auditory evoked responses demonstrated that, under monaural conditions, narrow band and broadband sounds are differentially processed in A1. Overall, we could not confirm the use of different or similar brain resources for horizontal and vertical sound localization, nor could we demonstrate involvement of the dorsal stream regarding elevated sound localization.
Brain Imaging, Broadband Sound, Dorsal Pathway, EEG, Narrowband Sound, Sound Localization