James E. Walker Library
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Welcome to MTSU and the James E. Walker Library. This building, one of the most attractive on campus, was built in 1999 and was named after the 8th president of MTSU, Dr. James E. Walker. The library does have a lot of services, and does have a collection of well over a million volumes on the shelves and at least that much online, but we are dedicated to helping students feel successful and help break down any feelings of being overwhelmed by the size and scope of not only the library, but the whole college experience.
The Walker Library has over 1 million volumes, 33,134 serials and annual expenditures of $7,547,687. There are 26 faculty, 7 professional administrative staff and 34 classified staff working for the library.
In addition to our many services in the building and electronically, we also have this repository collection that provides free, open access to educational resources, research done in the library, and other library information.
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ItemA Biographical Sketch of Julian Wehr (1898-1970): American Master of the Movable Book(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 2024-02-27) Boehm, Alan ; Ziegler, RoyIn the emerging popular and scholarly attention given to movable books, the name Julian Wehr often figures as an outstanding illustrator and paper engineer who in the 1940s and early 1950s published over 40 children's books notable for their appealing illustrations, but remarkable for their innovative pull-tab animations. Cleverly simple in design and widely imitated at the time, Wehr's approach to animated illustration revived a children's book format that had all but vanished from publishers' trade lists after the First World War because of production impracticalities. For although animated books had enjoyed considerable popularity in the late 1800s and early 1900s, they were typically lavish and expensive novelties that involved the manual assembly of an elaborate array of paper parts and minuscule hardware. By contrast, Wehr's animation technique--yielding pictorial movement as complex as any achieved by earlier methods--relied on only one or two pieces of paper and, moreover, his animated books were easily adapted to low-cost mass production. And mass-produced they were, for it is likely that upwards of nine million copies of Wehr's various titles--some translated into Spanish, French, German, and Icelandic--were sold in the United States, Canada, France, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Iceland, and elsewhere. Accordingly, we offer in this essay a brief biographical sketch of Wehr's life and career. It is based chiefly on interviews conducted across the spring, summer, and autumn of 2001 with his four children, Camilla West Molinari (Wehr's daughter from his first marriage), David Wehr, Paul Wehr, and Jeanine Wehr Jones (Wehr's sons and daughter from his second marriage). The Wehr children also have made available to us their father's art work, letters, and other materials.
ItemA broader elementary education(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1903) Gordy, John Pancoast
ItemA foundational study in the pedagogy of arithmetic(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1914) Howell, Henry Budd
ItemA handbook of vocational education(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1914) Taylor, Joseph Schimmel
ItemA history of Amherst College during the administrations of its first five presidents, from 1821 to 1891(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1895) Tyler, W. S. (William Seymour)
ItemA history of Columbia university, 1754-1904; published in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of King's college.(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1904) The Columbia University Press
ItemA history of education in Virginia(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1916) Heatwole, Cornelius Jacob
ItemA history of Japanese mathematics(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1914) Smith, David Eugene; Mikami, Yoshio
ItemA study of American intelligence(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1923) Brigham, Carl Campbell
ItemAccessibility Guide for Institutional Repository Deposits( 2024) Digital Scholarship Initiatives
ItemAgricultural education in the public schools; a study of its development with particular reference to the agencies concerned(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1912) Davis, Benjamin Marshall
ItemAll Aboard the STEAM Bus! Mobile Learning Labs Expand Math & Science Horizons(Middle Tennessee State University, 2015) Reed, Karen Nourse ; Carlton, Jennifer "Megan"
ItemAmerican thought from Puritanism to pragmatism and beyond(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1915) Riley, Woodbridge
ItemAn introductory logic(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1909) Creighton, James Edwin
ItemAspects of child life and education(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1907) Hall, G. Stanley; Smith, Theodate Louise
ItemAssessment of Visual Arts Projects Produced by Library Student Employees( 2018-12-05) Reed, Karen NourseUniversity libraries employ students to perform a variety of entry-level tasks. With planning and commitment from library personnel, this employment can provide additional educational opportunities for students through mentoring, reinforcement of coursework, and even support of career goals post-graduation. This poster will describe the research-in-progress at one public university library employing students to complete visual arts projects in support of library marketing and teaching initiatives. The focus of this research is on the use of portfolio assessment as a means to evaluate and guide student creative works produced as a function of their library employment. Presented at the Association of Research Libraries Library Assessment Conference 2018.
ItemAttention(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1908) Pillsbury, Walter Bowers
ItemAttention and interest; a study in psychology and education(James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 1910) Arnold, Felix
ItemBook Tile: This Is Just An Example (full text)(Digital Scholarship Initaitives, Middle Tennessee State University, 2023)This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository. This is an example of a book abstract for the repository.
ItemBooklist 2024(Digital Scholarship Initiatives, Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, 2024) MT Open PressMT Open Press is a hybrid publisher that supports authors with free production services and encourages everyone to read free digital books. MT Open Press books have had 5,000+ downloads as of December 2024 from readers around the world. This is the current booklist as of 2024. The press seeks to publish 2-3 books annually through an open call for book proposals. Learn more or access the free digital imprints at https://openpress.mtsu.edu or visit our storefront of a print (paperback) copy at https://lulu.com/spotlight/mtop.