(Middle Tennessee State University, 2017-04)
Falcofsky, Sophie R.; Mullins, Emily E.
Past research concludes that experiencing emotional abuse as a child has many adverse effects on the child’s health later on in life. Emotional abuse is difficult to detect because physical signs of abuse are not typically present. Many studies attempt to define emotional abuse and examine traditional methods of treatment for children who have been emotionally abused. The present study investigates bibliotherapy as an effective way to treat emotional abuse in children. Many forms of treatment occur outside of the school environment; implementing a way to treat emotional abuse while children are still in the school environment will be immensely helpful to children. The current study includes data collected from a survey sent to guidance counselors from Rutherford County Schools. Data collected through the current study supports the idea that guidance counselors are being trained on abuse consistently and effectively. Therefore, the current study concludes that both teachers and guidance counselors will benefit from being trained on how to use bibliotherapy within a school environment.