Professional preparation and responsibilities of college coaches at 20 selected NCAA and NAIA colleges and universities in eastern North Carolina.
Professional preparation and responsibilities of college coaches at 20 selected NCAA and NAIA colleges and universities in eastern North Carolina.
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White, Henry
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Middle Tennessee State University
The purpose of this study was to determine the professional preparation of athletic coaches in higher education at selected colleges and universities in eastern North Carolina. Athletic coaches involved in this study were from 20 colleges belonging to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Divisions I, II, and III, and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. The questionnaire used in this study was the "Professional Preparation of Athletic Coaches in Higher Education." One-hundred and eighty coaches responded, representing a response of 54.5 percent.
The study was divided into sections, including: (1) professional information and (2) coaching information. The professional information was placed into various categories, including highest degree earned, institution from which degree was earned, and major area of concentration. Coaching information categories included coaching level, sports presently coached, coaching experience, professional organization affiliation, college, professional athletic participation, and teaching responsibilities. Responses to the questionnaire items were tabulated and reported in terms of percentages.
The findings from the study revealed that only a bachelor's degree had been obtained by 57 (31.66 percent) of the respondents. A master's degree was obtained by 109 (60.5 percent) of the athletic coaches. Ten (5.55 percent) of the respondents indicated that they held the specialist's degree. Only three individuals reported that they had earned doctorate degrees.
Professional preparation of the coaches indicated 95 (52.77 percent) had majors in physical education. Thirty-one (17.22 percent) athletic coaches received a bachelor's degree in secondary education. The master's degree in physical education was held by 74 (41.11 percent) of the athletic coaches. Fifty-eight (32.22 percent) of the athletic coaches had an earned bachelor's degree in the "other" category.
In terms of coaching responsibilities, football was the sport indicated by more coaches. Thirty-nine (21.66 percent) coaches indicated football. Basketball had the second highest number of respondents with 31 (17.22 percent). Thirty (16.66 percent) coaches participated in professional athletics.
One hundred and sixty-six (92.22 percent) coaches responded to the questions relating to teaching responsibilities. Twenty-seven (16.87 percent) athletic coaches in Division I had teaching responsibilities. Activity courses were taught by 65 (39.15 percent) athletic coaches in Divisions I, II and III and the NAIA institutions. Physical education major activity courses were taught by 37 (22.28 percent) of athletic coaches. Conclusions and recommendations were made based on data obtained from the administration of this questionnaire.
The study was divided into sections, including: (1) professional information and (2) coaching information. The professional information was placed into various categories, including highest degree earned, institution from which degree was earned, and major area of concentration. Coaching information categories included coaching level, sports presently coached, coaching experience, professional organization affiliation, college, professional athletic participation, and teaching responsibilities. Responses to the questionnaire items were tabulated and reported in terms of percentages.
The findings from the study revealed that only a bachelor's degree had been obtained by 57 (31.66 percent) of the respondents. A master's degree was obtained by 109 (60.5 percent) of the athletic coaches. Ten (5.55 percent) of the respondents indicated that they held the specialist's degree. Only three individuals reported that they had earned doctorate degrees.
Professional preparation of the coaches indicated 95 (52.77 percent) had majors in physical education. Thirty-one (17.22 percent) athletic coaches received a bachelor's degree in secondary education. The master's degree in physical education was held by 74 (41.11 percent) of the athletic coaches. Fifty-eight (32.22 percent) of the athletic coaches had an earned bachelor's degree in the "other" category.
In terms of coaching responsibilities, football was the sport indicated by more coaches. Thirty-nine (21.66 percent) coaches indicated football. Basketball had the second highest number of respondents with 31 (17.22 percent). Thirty (16.66 percent) coaches participated in professional athletics.
One hundred and sixty-six (92.22 percent) coaches responded to the questions relating to teaching responsibilities. Twenty-seven (16.87 percent) athletic coaches in Division I had teaching responsibilities. Activity courses were taught by 65 (39.15 percent) athletic coaches in Divisions I, II and III and the NAIA institutions. Physical education major activity courses were taught by 37 (22.28 percent) of athletic coaches. Conclusions and recommendations were made based on data obtained from the administration of this questionnaire.
Major Professor: Cheryl Slaughter Ellis.