'Everything Good Is There': Exploring the Material Culture and Historic Landscapes at Chief Plenty Coups State Park

dc.contributor.advisor West, Carroll
dc.contributor.author Reeves, Jessica Gayle
dc.contributor.committeemember Riley Sousa, Ashley
dc.contributor.department History en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2017-05-26T17:45:50Z
dc.date.available 2017-05-26T17:45:50Z
dc.date.issued 2017-03-15
dc.description.abstract Alaxchiiaahush, Plenty Coups, was the final chief of the Crow people. His spiritual vision quest as a young man showed him that cooperation with the coming White settlers was the only way to survive, and he led the Crow people through the assimilation of the reservation period. He died at age 84 and requested that his land and house be dedicated as a park for all people. In 1965, it became a Montana State Park, and it tells the story of Plenty Coups and of the Crow people to thousands of visitors each year. This thesis examines how material culture and landscape analysis can enhance the existing narrative and center Crow voices in discussions about Crow culture. It analyzes the collection of artifacts at Chief Plenty Coups State Park and shows how deliberate Plenty Coups was in his assimilation efforts; giving a little when necessary to maintain his and his people’s cultural integrity.
dc.description.degree M.A.
dc.identifier.uri http://jewlscholar.mtsu.edu/xmlui/handle/mtsu/5306
dc.publisher Middle Tennessee State University
dc.subject Chief Plenty Coups
dc.subject Crow Indians
dc.subject Landscape Studies
dc.subject Material Culture
dc.subject Montana
dc.subject State Parks
dc.subject.umi History
dc.subject.umi Native American studies
dc.subject.umi Cultural resources management
dc.thesis.degreegrantor Middle Tennessee State University
dc.thesis.degreelevel Masters
dc.title 'Everything Good Is There': Exploring the Material Culture and Historic Landscapes at Chief Plenty Coups State Park
dc.type Thesis
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