Employee Resource Groups and Employment Outcomes in LGBT Employees

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Stone, Jacob
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Middle Tennessee State University
In this study, the author investigated the relationship between LGBT employee resource group (ERG) engagement and employment outcomes such as perceptions of organization support, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intent to turnover for LGBTQIA+ employees. The 5-item turnover intention scale was used (Wayne et al., 1997). Meyer and Allen’s (1997) Three-Component Model (TCM) of employee commitment survey was also used to measure organizational commitment. The study also utilized job satisfaction items from the Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire (MOAQ-JSS). The study also utilized the 16-item Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (Eisenberger et al., 1986). Further, the study looked at the following demographic characteristics: gender, job title, tenure in the organization, age, education, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. The number of respondents who completed the study and was used in analysis was sixty (n = 60). Overall, relations of LGBT ERG engagement with workplace attitudes were not significant, but further analysis of engaged sub-sample revealed significant relationships between LGBT ERG engagement and workplace attitudes. The implication of the study revealed that engagement in LGBT employee resource groups may not entirely account for shifts in individual level attitudes. The impact of these groups is still underdefined and in need of further research.