Executive Function Skill Deficits in Children with Dyslexia
Executive Function Skill Deficits in Children with Dyslexia
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Spicer, Melanie Paige
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Middle Tennessee State University
Parents' perceptions of executive functioning skills among their children identified as having dyslexia were compared to the norm sample mean on the BRIEF. In the current study, the mean for the Global Executive Composite was statistically higher than the mean for the norm sample that served as the control group. The mean for the Behavior Rating Index also was statistically higher than the norm group mean. Both the Inhibition and Shift scales on that index were statistically higher as well. The mean for the Metacognitive Index was more than 1 SD above the control group mean, Statistically significant higher scores were found on all five scales related to Metacognitive Index. Further, the Working Memory scale on that index was found to be in the clinically significant range.