Leadership in a 1:1 Computer Learning Environment
Leadership in a 1:1 Computer Learning Environment
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Miller, Beverly J
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Middle Tennessee State University
Business and industry leaders across the world are seeking employees who possess 21st century skills—problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity to name a few. Schools and districts across the country and the world are stepping up efforts to meet the demands of business and industry. Many are spending large sums of money to increase technology access for students. One-to-one computer initiatives are increasing dramatically based on the belief the access to technology will assist in developing these skills.
In order for these initiatives to be successful, careful steps to plan and implement the program must be taken. School leaders play a crucial role in the success of these programs. This explanatory sequential mixed-methods, quan-QUAL study, sought to determine how school leaders in a 1:l learning environment experience and enact the recommendations for technology integration. School leaders were asked to complete the Principals’ Technology Leadership Assessment (PTLA). Based on the results of open-ended questions in the PTLA, criterion sampling was used to identify school leaders to be interviewed for the qualitative portion of the study. Two overarching themes were identified from the qualitative data: leadership and 21st century skills.
Implications of the study include development of a collaborative vision and strategic plan which includes a common vocabulary, professional development for both leaders and teachers around technology integration, and the consideration of best practices in other education related areas such as professional development or school improvement.
Educational leadership