The racing log canoe: Ancient traditions alive on the Chesapeake Bay.
The racing log canoe: Ancient traditions alive on the Chesapeake Bay.
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Forbes, Nelson
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Middle Tennessee State University
The Chesapeake Bay racing log canoe is one of the most unique indigenous craft on the Bay, and is a significant maritime artifact of material culture. This thesis studies the racing log canoe and the traditions which have given rise to its creation and evolution. In addition, a study of comparative experiences, involving the design, construction, evolution, and use of log canoes from around the world is presented.
In addition, this thesis will evaluate the performance of the racing canoes in regatta conditions.
Included in the appendices: data and dimensions of the racing canoes, the rules for the Governor's Cup Regatta, and lines plans of racing and other canoes. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.).
In addition, this thesis will evaluate the performance of the racing canoes in regatta conditions.
Included in the appendices: data and dimensions of the racing canoes, the rules for the Governor's Cup Regatta, and lines plans of racing and other canoes. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.).
Director: Carroll Van West.