Thematic Apperception Test Narrative Archive
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An open-data archive of narratives collected in response to the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). The archive contains 665 TAT narratives, collected from 303 subjects. In addition to the complete text of the TAT narratives themselves (and information about which TAT card each narrative is a response to), the database contains demographic information about the respondents’ sex, age, race or ethnicity, and psychiatric diagnoses. When possible, information about the circumstances under which the test was administered (date of administration, method of administration, whether or not the test was part of a clinical assessment, etc.) has also been included.
Narratives were used with permission and copyright clearances. Included documents are 1) a database of TAT narratives (Excel file); and 2) overview document describing how to use the database (Word file).
Keywords: open science, archival data, Thematic Apperception Test, narratives