Is Office Housework an Organizational Citizenship Behavior?
Is Office Housework an Organizational Citizenship Behavior?
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Mussleman, Macie Ellis
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Middle Tennessee State University
The purpose of the study was to determine if the concept of Office Housework (OH) should be included as an Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) or if the two are different and form two separate constructs. Additionally, this study sought to explore self-efficacy between men and women as a potential cause of gender differences in OH task and OCB participation rates. Results provided evidence that Office Housework is not an Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the two should be viewed as separate forms of contextual behavior. Further, analyses failed to reveal gender differences in OCB and OH task performance as well as gender differences in confidence level. However, confidence level was predictive of OH task completion rates, being that higher confidence resulted in more OH task completion.
Organizational behavior