An Examination of the Relationship Between Body Size, Engagement in Physical Activity, and Visuospatial Ability in Children
An Examination of the Relationship Between Body Size, Engagement in Physical Activity, and Visuospatial Ability in Children
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Gunn, Rachel Nicole
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Middle Tennessee State University
Research indicates a relationship between obesity and physical activity, such that higher Body Mass Indices are associated with less physical activity. There also appears to be a possible positive relationship between physical activity and cognitive skills, and a negative relationship between obesity and cognitive skills (e.g., inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and visual spatial processing: VSP). The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between body size, physical activity, and VSP in school-aged children. Forty children completed assessments including anthropometrics, two tests of visual perception (Arrows: AW and Geometric Puzzles: GP), and a physical activity measure. Results indicated that AW and GP were significantly positively correlated; AW was not significantly correlated with physical activity. Furthermore, AW was a significant predictor of body size, but neither physical activity nor GP were. The results suggest a potential relationship between visuoperception and body size in children that future research should continue to clarify.
Body size,
Cognitive function,
Physical activity,
Visual spatial processing