Career Indecision: A Possible Explanation for Low Retention Rates
Career Indecision: A Possible Explanation for Low Retention Rates
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Farrar, Haley
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Middle Tennessee State University
This study surveyed undergraduate students in order to examine the relationships between career indecision and a number of different variables to see if certain characteristics led students to be more likely to experience career indecision. Then, we examined the relationships between four factors of career indecision and multiple dependent variables: academic fit, turnover cognitions, occupational commitment, and organizational commitment. Correlation analyses were used to determine relationships among the previously listed variables. Next, using the significant relationships, we created two regression equations, one for academic fit, and one for turnover cognitions. The variables that significantly predicted academic fit were three career indecision variables, neuroticism, openness to experience, and three vocational identity variables. The variables that significantly predicted turnover cognitions were the four career indecision variables, extroversion, three vocational identity variables, and satisficing. This research should add to the current body of research about career indecision, turnover and fit. It should also help academic advisors tailor their advising efforts to reach individual students in a more efficient and effective way.