Methods Development for Low-Level Ammonia and Methane Analysis Using FTIR
Methods Development for Low-Level Ammonia and Methane Analysis Using FTIR
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Bom-Crocker, Sarah
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University Honors College, Middle Tennessee State University
Current methods of ambient air ammonia analysis can accomplish accurate and precise
data but are inadequate at achieving detection limits below 10 ppbv. The Fouriertransform
infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) technique has not yet been reported as an
analytical method for measuring ammonia in conjunction with a passive sampling device,
even though it theoretically can be very precise while maintaining accuracy. The purpose
of this project is to determine the viability of this technique in quantifying ammonia
levels for different applications such as monitoring air quality around chicken farms.
Results from this project demonstrate the feasibility of low-level ammonia analysis by the
FT-IR technique. A modified set-up is required due to the memory effects of ammonia.
Originally a 10 m cell was used, which was changed out with a 10 cm cell with
replaceable windows. Different window materials were tested to find out what interfered
the least with ammonia. A 10 cm cell with a KBr plate window shows the most
promising results showing low detection limits for measuring ammonia released from
indirect sampling of ammonia on sulfuric acid-treated glass wool. Real-world data from
samples collected at chicken coops suggest inconclusive results.