Scaling GPA* for complex protein folding pathway simulations
Scaling GPA* for complex protein folding pathway simulations
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Patel, Foram
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University Honors College, Middle Tennessee State University
Finding improved protein folding pathway modeling tools is crucial to develop
more potent treatments for disorders caused by protein misfolding. The fast-folding
streptococcal protein G (1GB1), which has alpha-helices and several beta-sheets, can be
used to assess models of protein folding. Pathway prediction is often computationally
expensive and time-consuming, so current research focuses on accelerating Molecular
Dynamics (MD) simulations. To fix the issue of proteins getting trapped in minima, past
methods have imposed an unnatural bias on the potential and kinetic energies of the
simulation environments. Finding unbiased methods for MD simulations was an open
problem and was addressed by (Syzonenko & Phillips, 2020), introducing a combination
of the A* algorithm and MD simulations. The current implementation has storage issues
due to an abundant number of files produced preventing large-scale implementation. A
viable alternative could be the replacement of auxiliary file storage on disk with a keyvalue
data structure for storage. This would prove less burdensome on the file systems.
Instead of relying on GROMACS commands using OS system calls, the MDAnalysis
library, which is based on GROMACS, may be used for simulation commands and
storing coordinates. Once validated on the complex and fast-folding 1GB1 protein, the
approach may be applied to even larger α-β proteins.